
东南地区交通区 > 票价信息


SEAT has resumed the collection of fares on ALL services since April 1st, 2023.

For your convenience, we offer multiple ways to ride our fleet – including single ride tickets, ticket booklets, and passes. We additionally offer multiple methods to purchase said items, be it at the bus, online or at physical locations around Southeastern Connecticut.  Please note that due to technology limitations Passes (Zip, 1 Day, 5 Day, 31 Day and 10 Ride) are NOT accepted as fare payment on the HOP or Smart Ride MicroTransit service.


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儿童(5岁及以下 - 约45岁及以下):免费

  • 高级/残疾人单人乘车需要出示Medicare卡或高级/残疾人卡以获得折扣。 ADA / Paratransit符合条件的批准客户/仅在ADA Paratransit巴士上使用。
  • 有关的更多信息 高级和残疾票价,查看我们的 Rider Info页面.
  • 由于公交运营商无法进行变更,乘客需要进行确切的更改。美元钞票,硬币,通行证和门票都是可接受的付款方式。
  • Transfers allow customers to complete a one-way trip requiring multiple buses without additional fare payment.  Transfers are not intended to make a round trip.  We suggest purchasing a Period Pass for this purpose, such as a Zip or One-Day Pass.  Transfers are issued at time of fare payment, and are time and trip-limited, and cannot be accepted on the route from which they are issued.

SEAT routes connect at the following locations:  诺威奇运输中心,里斯本登陆,Mohegan Sun,新伦敦/水街,新伦敦购物中心,Eugene O'Neill&State Street Shelter,Groton Square,Groton Plaza Court,I-95 / Route 2 Commuter Lot(North Stonington)和Olde Mistick村。


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门票和门票在当地出售 停下来和商店,已售出 线上,在 西雅图总部诺威奇交通售票处).  Note that the Norwich Transportation Ticket Office does NOT accept or process coins!.

请注意:ADA Paratransit Ticket Books不在Stop and Shop出售。 ADA Paratransit服务不能使用常规乘车票和高级/残疾人票。

*有关的更多信息 高级和残疾票价,查看我们的 Rider Info页面.

Passes (Not Valid on HOP, Smart Ride or ADA)

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我们还提供4小时(连续)Zip Unlimited Ride Pass,目前仅在巴士和网上销售。

从SEAT购买的期间通行证在用于SEAT公共汽车之前不会有效。  They can only be used on SEAT Bus, and are not accepted on ADA Paratransit, HOP or Smart Ride services.

要激活Period Pass,请将其插入TRIM单元(面向您的颜色侧,顶部有凹口)。然后,票价框将激活通行证,并在通行证背面标记到期日期,并将其返回给您。你现在好了。

当再次使用激活(带时间戳)的时间段时,只需轻扫票价盒顶部的滑动阅读器上的传球(面向您的白色侧面,底部的磁条,从右向左滑动(或从前面向后滑动) (盒子)。票价盒将“唧唧”并记录使用情况,你很高兴!


多日通行证在通行证日期间有效,从通行证激活日期开始。例如,如果您有5天通行证,并在1上激活它ST,它将于5日到期 晚上11:59。

  • 通行证是不可转让的。您不能将其传递给另一个人以进行额外的登机。票价箱将“吵架”,第二个人需要通过其他方式支付票价。
  • 通行证没有现金价值且不予退还。
  • 丢失,被盗或无法阅读的通行证无法更换。
  • 已过期的通行证不接受票价付款。
  • 票价箱或运营商无法阅读的通行证将不被视为票价付款。
  • 因此,请认真对待您的通行证!它将无法通过洗衣机旅行!不要弯曲,折叠或以其他方式毁坏你的通行证。请看上面的要点!