Title VI Compliance

Title VI Compliance and Investigation Procedures

These procedures cover all complaints filed under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, for alleged discrimination in any program or activity administered by SEAT.

These procedures do not deny the right of the complainant to file formal complaints with other State or Federal agencies or to seek private counsel for complaints alleging discrimination.  Every effort will be made to obtain early resolution of complaints at the lowest level possible.  The option of informal mediation meetings(s) between the affected parties and SEAT may be utilized for resolution.

Title VI Coordinator
Southeast Area Transit District
21 Route 12
Preston, CT 06365

The following measures will be taken to resolve Title VI complaints:

  1. A formal complaint must be filed within 30 days of the alleged occurrence.  Complaints shall be in writing and signed by the individual or his/her representatives, and will include the complainant’s name, address and telephone number; name of alleged discriminating official, basis of complaint (race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age), and the date of alleged acts(s).  A statement detailing the facts and circumstances of the alleged discrimination must accompany all complaints.
  2. In the case where the complainant is unable or incapable of providing a written statement, a verbal complaint of discrimination may be made to the SEAT Title VI Coordinator.  Under these circumstances, the complainant will be interviewed, and the SEAT Title VI Coordinator will assist the complainant in converting the verbal allegations to writing.
  3. When a complaint is received, the Title VI Coordinator will provide written acknowledgment to the complainant, within ten (10) days by registered mail.
  4. If the complaint is deemed incomplete, additional information will be requested, and the complainant will be provided 15 business days to submit the required information.  Failure to do so may be considered good cause for a determination of no investigative merit.
  5. Within 15 business days from receipt of a complete complaint, SEAT will determine its jurisdiction in pursuing the matter and whether the complaint has sufficient merit to warrant investigation.  Within five (5) days of this decision, the General Manager or his/her authorized designee will notify the Complainant and Respondent, by registered mail, informing them of the disposition.
    1. If the decision is not to investigate the complaint, the notification shall specifically state the reason for the decision.
    2. If the complaint is to be investigated, the notification shall state the grounds of the jurisdiction, while informing the parties that their full cooperation will be required in gathering additional information and assisting the investigator.
  6. When SEAT does not have sufficient jurisdiction, the General Manager or his/her authorized designee will refer the complaint to the appropriate State or Federal agency holding such jurisdiction.
  7. If the complaint has investigative merit, the General Manager or his/her authorized designee will assign an investigator.  A complete investigation will be conducted, and an investigative report will be submitted to the General Manager within 60 day from receipt of the complaint.  The report will include a narrative description of the incident, summaries of all persons interviewed, and a finding with recommendations and conciliatory measures where appropriate.  If the investigation is delayed for any reason, the investigator will notify the appropriate authorities, and an extension will be requested.
  8. The General Manager or his/her authorized designee will issue letters of finding to the Complainant and Respondent within 90 days from receipt of the complaint.
  9. If the Complainant is dissatisfied with the resolution of the complaint, he/she has the right to file a complaint with the Department Office of Civil Rights, addressed below.

Department Office of Civil Rights
U.S.Department of Transportation
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
(202) 366-4648
(202) 366-5992
TTY Access: (202) 366-9696
DC Relay: (202) 855-1000

Southeast Area Transit District is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation, denied benefits, or otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity, on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.

Southeast Area Transit District as a recipient of federal financial assistance will ensure full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, and related statutes and regulations in all Southeast Area Transit District programs and activities.

Any person who believes that he or she has been subjected to discrimination or retaliation based on their race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability may file a Title VI complaint. Complaints may be filed directly to Southeast Area Transit District or to the Federal Funding agency. Complaints must be filed in writing and signed by the complainant or a representative and should include the complainant’s name, address, and telephone number or other means by with the complainant can be contacted. Complaints must be filed within 180 days of the date of the alleged discriminatory act.

To request additional information on Southeast Area Transit District’s non-discrimination obligations or to file a Title VI complaint, please submit your request or complaint in writing to:

Southeast Area Transit District 
Attn: Cherise Perkins, Title VI Coordinator

(860) 886 – 2631 x – 106

21 Route 12
Preston, CT  06365
